What is the rule for flanking 5e?

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, September 29, 2024

The rule for flanking in 5e is that when a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they are said to be flanking the enemy. This rule can be found in Chapter 8 of the DMG.

How does flanking work?

In military strategy, flanking is attacking the opponent from the side. It’s effective because the enemy’s strength is usually concentrated at the front. By attacking the side, you’re more likely to hit a weaker spot, one less defended – giving you an advantage.

What are the facing rules in 5E?

The facing rules in 5E are a house rule and not included in the official rulebook. However, some groups may choose to implement facing rules for added realism. The rule states that each creature chooses one corner or side that they face. Foes positioned on opposite corners or sides have advantageous facing.

Does flanking count for ranged attacks?

Yes, if your target is flanked, they are considered flat-footed and vulnerable, regardless of the type of attack. So if your target is flanked, they are now flat-footed for any attack you make; it could be a melee attack, a ranged attack, or even a spell attack.

Does flanking give advantage to spells?

Yes, flanking does give advantage to spells. Melee Spell Attacks benefit from the Optional Flanking Rules. Just as Ranged Spell Attacks are Ranged Attacks, they too benefit from flanking. If your target is flanked, any spell attack you make will have advantage.

Flanking is Dumb – D&D 5e

There is no specific rule regarding the opinion that flanking is dumb in D&D 5e. The effectiveness of flanking may vary depending on the situation and the campaign. Some players and DMs may find it a useful tactic, while others may not.

What is the most damaging spell in 5e?

The most damaging spell in 5e is Meteor Swarm. It’s a ninth-level evocation spell with a range of one mile that requires each creature within a 40-foot radius of four points you choose to make a Dexterity saving throw.

Does spiritual weapon count for flanking?

No, the Spiritual Weapon does not count for flanking. The Spiritual Weapon is not a creature or ally and does not fulfill the requirements for flanking.

Does flanking work with reach?

No, flanking does not work with reach. Only the figure making the attack can gain the flanking bonus, regardless of their reach. For flanking to be effective, a figure must be adjacent to the target.

Can you flank with a ranged weapon?

Flanking can only be achieved with a melee weapon. Ranged weapons do not count for flanking, regardless of any abilities or feats the character may have.

Does flanking give advantage on opportunity attacks?

Yes, if the creature moves away from one character towards another, before leaving their square, one character can make an Opportunity Attack at advantage due to flanking.

What is the 5-foot rule in D&D?

The 5-foot rule in D&D refers to using all of your move speed during a turn to move 5 feet and avoid any attacks of opportunity.

What is Rule 0 in 5e?

Rule 0 in 5e is the concept that the GM is the final arbiter of all things in the game. The GM has the authority to change, make up, and remove any rule at any time.

What is the heavy rule in 5e?

The “heavy” property in 5e states that small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon’s size and bulk make it too large for a small creature to use effectively.

What is the flanking sequence?

In D&D, the flanking sequence refers to the process of positioning oneself and their allies to gain an advantage in combat. By being on opposite sides or corners of an enemy’s space, creatures can flank the enemy and gain various combat benefits.

What is an example of flanking?

An example of flanking can be seen in a battle where each combatant is flanked by two guards. The flanking guards give the combatant an advantage by attacking from the sides.

What is an example of a flanking strategy?

A great example of a flanking strategy is Volkswagen’s Beetle outplaying General Motor’s big cars. Volkswagen used the flanking technique by introducing the Beetle to gain a competitive advantage.

Can you flank while grappled?

Yes, a grappled creature can still flank. As long as they meet the criteria for flanking, such as being on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they can gain the flanking bonus.

Can you flank with a dancing sword?

Yes, a dancing sword can flank as long as it is in the right position and considered armed. The dancing sword can count as an ally for the purpose of flanking.

Can restrained creatures flank?

Yes, restrained creatures can still flank. As long as they are on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they can gain the flanking bonus. Being restrained does not prevent flanking.

Is flanking good in D&D?

Flanking can be a useful tactic in D&D, as it allows characters to gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the situation and the campaign.

Can you flank while prone?

Yes, you can still flank while prone. As long as you meet the criteria for flanking, such as being on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, being prone does not prevent flanking.

Can you disengage when flanked?
