10 Best & Funniest Memes About 'Wednesday'

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Monday, September 30, 2024

Wednesday on Netflix became the show of the year as soon as it came out. And with a fantastic performance by Jenna Ortega and direction by Tim Burton, who wouldn't be obsessed with the series? Wednesday seems to have won the hearts of those who appreciated the Addams Family before, as well as new viewers unfamiliar with the story.

RELATED: The 10 Best ‘Wednesday’ Characters, Ranked by Likability

Of course, such a famous show can't only be Netflix-famous - it also needs to be Internet-famous, and where better to start than with memes? Since most viewers have likely finished the show (it sure is one of the most binge-worthy Netflix series of the year) it's time to check out the best memes made about Wednesday to relate to the show more after watching it.

Everyone Watching 'Wednesday' Be Like

This meme perfectly embodies the feeling of finishing Wednesday after a long binge. Even if some viewers feel a little bit more like Willem Dafoe on the left, by the end of the show (if not even midway) they're trapped in the emotional mindset of Dafoe on the right.

In other words, this meme could also be described as Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams, as played by Willem Dafoe. Honestly, that man could play a rock (like Michelle Yeoh did in Everything Everywhere All at Once, perhaps?) and it'd be perplexing and emotional. Not that Wednesday often showed emotion, to begin with.

Tim Burton? But No Johnny Depp?

When people hear Burton's name, they often think about Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter, too. These two fabulous actors have a lifelong cooperation with the imaginative director, but it seems Burton knew what to do this time around. Although it's unlikely Bonham-Carter will soon appear in anything Burton makes (they divorced in 2014), audiences likely haven't seen the last of Burton/Depp.

RELATED: 10 Times Thing Was the Best Character in Tim Burton’s ‘Wednesday’

While this joke lands well and the meme is hilarious, that photoshopped version of Wednesday seems a little bit eerie. Although it wouldn't be the first time Hollywood casts a much older actor in a teenage role, this one would have been pretty scandalous. Plus, people love Jenna Ortega - and for good reason!

Too Tired to Emotionally Invest In 'Wednesday'? Same

SpongeBob looks like he's gone through stuff in this meme. Don't worry, SpongeBob so has everyone else who watched Stranger Things. Some fans are still reeling from the fact that Eddie Munson is gone, and they're having a tough time committing to other shows. It's completely understandable.

This meme, although hilarious, seems to be relatable, too. It's easy for fans to connect to likable characters. Plus, the way streaming networks have been releasing limited numbers of episodes lately, every binge-able show leaves an empty space. Hopefully, Wednesday gets a season 2, so there's something to look forward to watching again.

Me vs Other People

The image of Wednesday and Enid standing next to each other has inspired some of the funniest memes online, but this one takes the cake by a landslide. Sure, it's the morning, but how are you so cheery? It's impossible. Although it would be nice to feel so happy first thing in the morning, it's just. So. Very. Difficult.

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Who says Wednesday doesn't know how to show emotion? Disdain for everything cheerful is an emotion, too... Sort of. Despite it all, it's pretty nice that Wednesday managed to connect with someone so opposite to her; apparently, friendship does hide in unexpected places. Reddit has a lot of Wednesday/Enid illustrations to support this claim.

If Wednesday and Enid Were... Houses?

Another Wednesday/Enid meme that hits the spot is this one; it's hard to look at that image and not see the two of them standing next to each other. Looking at the meme above, it's a little bit poetic, too, and reminiscent of the girls' dorm room at Nevermore Academy.

The origin of this image is pretty interesting - these homes are real, and they're located in Los Angeles, near Venice Beach. When people first saw it, there was an abundance of memes flying around. When it comes to Wednesday material, it checks all the boxes of being the perfect meme.

Nevermore Over Hogwarts

Speaking of Nevermore, this meme keeps flying around Reddit. There may be fans who disagree, but this image doesn't say better - just more hardcore. That difference can be significant; although Hogwarts had many secrets, did it have a secret society hiding behind the walls? Well, if counting Order of the Phoenix, then sure.

Come to think of it, this dilemma could turn into a pretty interesting debate. Fans who agree and accept a good debate should try talking this topic through. It could be interesting to watch, and even more interesting to participate.

Trust Issues Explained

Well, this meme is more relatable than funny. That crazy twist at the end with Tyler and Miss Thornhill came just around the time when Wednesday was ready to wrap up her stay at Nevermore and head out. These signals were two pivotal moments in the series, and, for those who didn't expect them, a tad heartbreaking.

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Thankfully, this image alone doesn't spoil the series too much, but still, anyone who hasn't seen it should read this with one eye open. That eye should be watching Wednesday, like, right now.

Did Plants vs Zombies Just Have a Cameo In 'Wednesday'?

Some viewers argued that the CGI rendering of the Hyde wasn't the best in Wednesday. While they were doing that, though, others noticed something a little different and arguably, hilarious. The Hyde seems to look the same as the zombies from the video game Plants vs Zombies.

Jen from The Office may be right. Although those two images aren't identical (right?) they are eerily similar. Jokes aside, if looked at closely, it seems like the Hyde may have been crafted to resemble its non-Hyde counterpart, (spoiler alert!) - Tyler. That looks like a higher possibility, although the monster turned out slightly funny in the end.

Mixed Signals from Wednesday? Impossible!

One Reddit user, EcoFriendlyHat, posted this meme after watching the series, and, honestly - same. The mixed signals Tyler may have felt from Wednesday were her time and energy to be his friend, which isn't mixed at all. Some mistake other people's kindness for flirting or a crush, meaning they likely don't have meaningful relationships in their lives.

With Tyler, that's rather obvious, though. His father is pretty distanced from him and his old friend group shunned him after he didn't want to participate in their pranks. There are loads of material for analyzing Tyler, but it's tough to say how many fans expect a redemption arc from him. It seems like Wednesday didn't really need a love interest at all.

When You Think It's the Weekend

Last but not least, this hilarious photoshop of The Weeknd's face melded onto Christina Ricci's Wednesday Addams turned out to be a disturbingly funny meme. It's also painfully accurate, as anyone with a 9 to 5 can relate to it.

It's not directly related to the Netflix show, but Wednesday Addams is an evergreen character and currently trending, so it's no wonder memes as crazy as this one pop up here and there. Hopefully, this week doesn't feel like it should end by Wednesday, and if it does - this meme is the ultimate weapon to garner laughs.

NEXT: 'The Addams Family': Best Versions of Wednesday, Ranked
