AEW Full Gear Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For November 18, 2023

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Monday, September 2, 2024

It’s time for AEW Full Gear tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

The start time for AEW Full Gear buy-in is at 6:30 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight is set to host one of its biggest shows of the year – Full Gear. One of the biggest matches of the show is the much-anticipated showdown between MJF and Jay White for the AEW World Championship. We will also get to see the Golden Jets take on The Young Bucks.

AEW Full Gear Lineup (11/18/2023):

  • ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Jay Lethal
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: MJF & Samoa Joe (c) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn)
  • Claudio Castagnoli vs. Buddy Matthews
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm
  • Sting, Darby Allin & Adam Copeland vs. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne)
  • AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley
  • Texas Death Match: Hangman Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland
  • The Gold Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)
  • AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart vs. Skye Blue
  • Four-way tag team ladder match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush & Dralistico) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Kings of the Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King)
  • AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Jay White

AEW Full Gear Results (11/18/2023):

ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt. Eddie Kingston’s theme song plays and he walks out to the ring.

The match begins and Kingston attacks Lethal in the corner. Kingston knocks Lethal down. Kingston sends Lethal over the top rope. Lethal gets back in the ring and trades blows with Kingston. Lethal drags Kingston out of the ring and sends him into the post.

Lethal viciously attacks Kingston. Kingston gets back in the ring and Lethal continues to attack him. Lethal with a suplex on Kingston. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Lethal goes to work on Kingston. Lethal with a belly-to-belly suplex. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Lethal goes back to work on Kingston.

Kingston comes back with an exploder suplex. Kingston chops Lethal in the corner. Lethal hits the Lethal combination. Lethal hits an elbow drop. Cover! 1….2….kick out. He goes for Lethal injection but Kingston catches him and hits the Saito suplex. He slams him again. Sonjay Dutt is on the apron but Kingston knocks him down.

Lethal comes back and knocks down Kingston. Karen Jarrett is on the apron. Both men are fighting for Jeff Jarrett’s guitar. Ortiz grabs the guitar and smashes Jeff on the head. Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection but Kingston hits the half-and-half suplex and follows it with the hurricane forearm.

Winner: Eddie Kingston (c)

Kingston gets on the mic and says they have a lot of matches up next. He thanks the fans hands the mic back to Renee Paquette.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Buddy Matthews

Claudio Castagnoli’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Buddy Matthews’ theme song plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Matthews attacks Castagnoli in the corner. Claudio comes back with a flurry of uppercuts. He goes for the swing but Matthews escapes and rolls out of the ring. Claudio goes after him and attacks him with an uppercut. Claudio sends him into the ring but Buddy rolls out of the ring. Matthews with a knee strike to Claudio. Buddy sends Claudio into the ring and hits the meteora. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Buddy goes to work on Claudio. Both men exchange strikes and Claudio knocks down Buddy with a discus lariat. Claudio attacks Buddy in the corner. He knocks him down with the big boot. Claudio with a big uppercut to Matthews. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Claudio hits the giant swing on Matthews. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Claudio with headbutts on the top rope. Buddy slips through and superkicks Claudio. He then hits a powerbomb. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Buddy with the jackhammer. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Buddy transitions into the crossface. Buddy with the anvil elbows.

Claudio comes back with the cutter. He hits a running uppercut. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Claudio with another powerbomb. He locks in the sharpshooter and Buddy taps out.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio offers a handshake but Matthews walks away.

ROH World Tag Team Championship: MJF & Samoa Joe (c) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn)

The Gunns’ music hits and they walk to the ring. Samoa Joe’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. MJF’s music hits and he walks down to the ring.

The match begins with MJF and Colten Gunn. MJF knocks him down and attacks him in the corner. He stomps him in the corner. Colten comes back with a kick to the midsection. The Gunns attacks MJF from behind. They attack him in the corner. MJF comes back and knocks down The Gunns. Joe tags in and they stare down each other. Joe dives onto The Gunns.

Joe sends them back into the ring. Colten goes for a dropkick and misses. Joe hits a senton. He attacks him in the corner and hits an enzuigiri. Joe tags out. Colten hits MJF with a clothesline and he tags out. Austin stomps MJF in the corner. Austin tags out and they knock him down. Cover! 1….kick out. Colten tags out and Austin continues the assault. He goes to work on MJF.

MJF sends Austin out side the ring but he comes back and knocks down MJF. The Gunns go to attack MJF but are sent outside. MJF tags out and Joe attacks The Gunns. He hits a powerslam to Austin. Cover! 1….2…kick out. He sets up Austin in the corner and MJF tags in and goes for the muscle buster but Colten dropkicks him. Austin tags out. They go for 310 to Yuma but MJF hits them with the DDT.

Joe tags in and they argue. They set up The Gunns in the corner and go for the muscle buster but they escape and send Joe and MJF into each other. The Gunns hit the 310 to Yuma. Cover! 1….2….MJF makes the save. The Gunns take out MJF. Adam Cole’s music plays and he comes out to ringside. Joe locks in the sleeper hold and MJF holds Austin down as Colten taps out.

Winner: MJF & Samoa Joe (c)

Joe and MJF shake hands after the match. The Gunns attack MJF from behind. Austin grabs a steel chair and smashes MJF’s leg with it multiple times. Austin wraps the chair around the knee and hits a stomp on MJF. AEW medical team brings out a stretcher. MJF is stretchered out of the arena. MJF gets in the ambulance and he asks Cole not to let Jay White take his championship.

The opening package for the show airs.

Sting, Darby Allin & Adam Copeland vs. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne)

Christian Cage’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne. Ric Flair’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring. Adam Copeland’s music plays and he comes out to the ring with Sting and Darby Allin.

The match starts with Darby Allin and Nick Wayne. Wayne takes him down with a headlock takeover. Darby gets back up and takes down Wayne. Allin with an arm drag. He tags out and Sting sends Wayne out of the ring. He sends Wayne into the barricade. He sends Wayne into the ring and Christian tags in. Sting tags out.

Christian tags out and leaves the ring. Luchasaurus attacks Copeland in the corner. Copeland comes back with a side Russian leg sweep and he follows it with a neckbreaker. Allin tags in. Luchasaurus slams Allin on the apron. Luchasaurus sends Darby into the ring and attacks him in the corner. Cage tags in and continues to attack Darby.

Cage goes to work on Darby. Wayne tags in and attacks Darby. Wayne with a backbreaker. Luchasaurus tags in and chops Darby. He tags on and hits the backbreaker. Wayne with a senton on Darby.

Darby fights back but Wayn stops him and goes for a superplex but Darby hits the code red off the top rope. Cage attacks Copeland and sends him into the post. Sting goes after time but Luchasaurus knocks him down. Cage tags in. He attacks Allin in the corner.

Cage sends Darby into the turnbuckle. Cage and Darby bump heads and fall down. Copeland tags in and goes after Cage but Luchasaurus stops him. Copeland with the impaler DDT on Luchasaurus. Copeland spears him off the apron. He throws Wayne onto him. Darby dives onto them. Sting also hits the splash onto Luchasaurus and Wayne.

Sting and Copeland attack Luchasaurus. Sting hits the scorpion death lock on him. Darby sends Wayne into the ring and they hits a suplex/crossbody combo onto him. Luchasaurus sends Darby into the corner. He hits Copeland from behind. Cage and Ric Flair argue and Flair chops him. Cage pokes his eye and hits a low blow. Cage goes to hit Copeland with the title but knocks down Luchasaurus. Copeland chases after him but he leaves through the crowdn. Sting hits the splash in the corner. Copeland then hits the spear and Allin hits the coffin drop on Luchasaurus for the win.

Winner: Sting, Darby Allin, and Adam Copeland

Allin gets on the mic and asks the fans to cheer for Sting who is wrestling for the last time in California.

Tony Schiavone is on the stage with the referee and he calls out members of the Bullet Club Gold. Jay White yells that he is the champion. He asks Tony to tell the fans. Tony says MJF is injured and won’t be able to defend the title tonight and hence the match tonight as been cancelled. Adam Cole’s music plays and he comes out.

Cole gets the mic and says there is no way Jay is leaving with the AEW World Title. He says he spoke to Tony Khan and says he will defend MJF’s title against Jay White. Jay laughs and says Adam must’ve hit his head. He says he took him out before and he will take him out again tonight.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley

Orange Cassidy’s music plays and he walks to the ring with Hook. Jon Moxley’s theme song play and he makes his way to the ring with Wheeler Yuta.

The match starts and Moxley chops Cassidy. He sends him out of the ring. Moxley with vicious strikes to Cassidy. Moxley slams him on the barricade. Moxley sends him back into the ring and slams him. Moxley attacks him in the corner. Moxley stomps Cassidy in the corner.

Moxley slams Cassidy again. Moxley locks in the Texas cloverleaf. Cassidy fights out of it but Moxley stomps him. He sets up Cassidy on the top rope and bites his nose. Cassidy bites Moxley back but Moxley headbutts him knocking him to the apron. Cassidy with multiple headbutts to Moxley. He hits a superplex on Moxley. Cassidy hits a diving DDT and he follows it with a tornado DDT. Cover! 1…..kick out.

Cassidy kicks Moxley multiple times and sends him outside. Cassidy with the suicide dive. He hits another suicide dive onto Moxley. He hits another one. Cassidy sends Moxley into the ring. Cassidy with the stundog millionaire but Moxley recovers and hits the anvil elbows. Moxley with vicious strikes to Cassidy. Moxley locks in the bulldog choke.

Cassidy comes back with the red rum. Moxley gets to the rope. Moxley hits the cutter and follows it with the Gotch-style piledriver. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Moxley mocks Cassidy. Moxley is sent into the exposed turnbuckle. Cassidy hits a couple of Orange punches and rolls him up but can’t get the pinfall. Cassidy hits a couple more Orange punches. Cassidy hits the beach break for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy (c)

AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm

Toni Storm’s music plays and she comes down to the ring with Luther. Hikaru Shida’s theme song plays and she comes out to the ring.

The match begins and both women exchange strikes. Shida attacks Storm in the corner. Shida chops Storm. Shida attacks Storm in the corner. Storm fights back with multiple chops in the corner. Storm with a bulldog. Storm knocks her down with an elbow strike.

Shida comes back with a jumping knee. She attacks her in the corner. Shida with a missile dropkick. Storm slams Shida to the mat. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Storm discusses something with Luther and he hands her a shoe. Aubrey goes to hit her with a shoe but the referee catches her and takes it away. She takes the second shoe and hits Shida. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

Shida plants Storm in the ring. Shida with the question mark kick. She hits the falcon arrow. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Shida goes for meteora and misses. Storm locks in the ankle lock. Shida gets to the rope. Storm removes Shida’s shoe and goes to hit her but Shida catches her with a strike. Storm rolls out of the ring. Shida goes to hit Storm with a kendo stick but Luther stops her. Shida hits him with the kendo stick. Storm places a metal tray in her tights.

Shida goes to hit Storm with the Katana. Storm comes back with the German suplex. She hits Shida with the hip attack for the win.

Winner: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c)

Renee interviews Eddie Kingston who says the continental classic is his next goal. He says he wants to make this more prestigious and he wants to put his title on the line in every match. He says this will be the biggest tournament in professional wrestling.

Four-way tag team ladder match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush & Dralistico) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Kings of the Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King)

Kings of the Black Throne’s music plays and they come down to the ring. LFI’s music plays next and they walk to the ring. FTR’s music plays and they come out to the ring. Ricky Starks’ theme song plays and he walks to the ring with Big Bill.

The match starts and all four teams brawl. FTR knocks down Big Bill and Brody King. Dax with a right hand to Black. Black uses the ladder to attack Dax. Rush and Cash climb the ladder. They get back down and exchange strikes. Rush with a headbutt to Cash. He goes for a dropkick and misses. Cash spears Rush to the floor.

Dralistico dives onto his opponents. Ricky Starks climbs the top rope but is knocked off by Black. Black with a moonsault to the outside. Starks climbs the top rope but is stopped again and Dax hits a superplex onto everyone outside the ring.

Big Bill and King come face-to-face in the ring. They exchange strikes. Rush and Dax sandwich them between two ladders. Dax throws a ladder at Rush. Dax attacks everyone with the ladder. Dralistico dropkicks Dax. Dralistico climbs the ladder but gets knocked off by Cash.

Rush attacks Cash in the corner. Cash comes back with a powerslam. Cash climbs the ladder but is stopped by Black. Cash sends Black into the ladder. Black pushes the ladder into Wheeler. Black places Cash on the ladder and climbs the top rope but is stopped by Dax. Brody attacks Dax. Cash with a low blow to Black. He hits a piledriver on the ladder.

King goes for a suicide dive but finds the ladder. Stakrs knocks down Dralistico and hits Rush with the soear. He hits the tornado DDT on Dax. Starks walks the rop and hit Dax with an axe handle. He then slams Cash. Starks sends Black into the ladder. King with a body block. He hits a body drop on Dax onto the ladder. He then hits a cannonball on Dax. Brody climbs the top rope but Bill sends him crashing onto a ladder.

Dralistico with multiple strikes on Bill but he hits him with a chokeslam. Rush attacks Bill with a ladder. Rush hits the bull’s horns onto Bill. He climbs the ladder and Starks also climbs the ladder. Dax sets up a ladder and begins crawling it. Dax also sets up ladder and climbs up along with Dralistico. Rush is knocked off the ladder. Brody takes out one ladder and slams Cash. Dralistico with a poisonrana to Black. Brody King picks up Dralistico and hits the gonzo bomb onto a ladder.

Bill is knocked off the apron. Cash with a splash onto King who was set up on a ladder. Dax climbs the ladder and Starks meets him at the top. Dax is knocked off by Black. Cash knocks Black out of the ring and climbs the ladder but Starks knocks him off and grabs the titles for the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c)

AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart vs. Skye Blue

Julia Hart’s music plays and she walks to the ring. Skye Blue’s music plays and she comes out to the ring. Kris Statlander’s theme song plays and she comes out to the ring.

Statlander knocks down Hart and Blue. She bodyslams Hart onto Skye Blue. She knocks them both down with a lariat. Statlander places Hart in the tree of woe. Statlander slams Blue. She knocks Julia down. Blue with vicious strikes to Statlander. Hart knocks Statlander out of the ring and dives onto her. Blue with a hurricanrana on Statlander. They go for a double suplex but Kris suplexes them. She sends Hart into the ring.

Blue and Hart with stereo thrust kicks. Hart and Blue shake hands. Julia headbutts Blue and bounces her skull off the mat. Blue comes back with multiple strikes. She kicks Hart. Statlander with a back suplex to Blue. She attacks Hart in the corner. Kris with a Samoan drop on Blue. Cover! 1….2….Hart breaks it up.

Kris with a roundhouse kick to Hart. Bue hits her with a neckbreaker. Hart knocks down Blue. Hart with a lariat to Statlander. Hart climbs the top rope but is stopped but Blue who traps her head in the turnbuckle and superkicks her.

Kris with a lariat to Blue. She drives Julia to the mat. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Blue goes for the hurricanrana but Kris blocks her and slams her to the mat. She climbs the top rope but is pushed off by Hart.

Hart hits the moonsault. Cover! 1….2…..Statlander breaks it up. Kris with a powerslam on Hart. Blue with a kick to the face. She goes for a crossbody but Statlander catches her. Blye gets out of it and hits the code blue. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. She goes for it again but Hart superkicks her. Julia hits Kris with a lariat and locks in the Hartless lock. Statlander with a German suplex to Hart and Blue. Statlander hits the Saturday Night fever. Julia hits Kris with the lariat and pins Blue.

Winner: Julia Hart (c)

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and he announces the newest signing in AEW. Will Ospreay’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. He signs the contract and says it feels great. He says he is happy to be part of the team but he is not to going to come in just yet. He says he was part of NJPW for 8 years and he says he needs to finish up and then he will be on the road to Revolution. He says he is All Elite. He asks Tony Khan to line up the best he’s got for Wembley Stadium. He says he will show everyone what elite means.

Texas Death Match: Hangman Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland

Swerve Strickland’s music plays and he walks to the ring with Prince Nana. Adam Page comes running down to the ring and attacks Swerve. He hits a powerbomb and follows it with a buckshot lariat. Swerve rolls out of the ring. Page sends him into the barricade. He does it again. Page gets a steel chair and places it in the ring. He throws the chair at Swerve.

Page duck tapes Swerve’s hands. He takes the staple gun and staples the chest of Swerve. He does it again. Page staples a paper to Swerve. Page hits Swerve with a steel chair. Page staples the face of Swerve. Page grabs a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire.

Swerve with the low blow. Prince Nana cuts the duck tape. Page staples the chest again but it has no effect. Swerve knocks him down. Swerve places the barbed wire chair in the corner and sends Page into it. He attacks Page with the barbed wire. Swerve and Page exchange strikes. Swerve drives Page onto the cement block.

Swerve hits the piledriver on the barricade. The referee begins the ten count. Swerve kicks Page but he comes back with the fallaway slam. He does it again. Page attacks Swerve with the barbed wire. He wraps the barbed wire around Swerve and hits the fallaway slam. Page climbs the top rope with the barbed wire steel chair and he hits a moonsault.

Swerve fights back and kicks Page in the face. Page hits the piledriver on the barbed wire chair. The referee begins the ten count. Both men get back up. Page hits Swerve with the barbed wire chair. He sets up Swerve on the top rope. Swerve escapes and hits Page with the barbed wire chair. Swerve powerbombs Page onto the barbed wire chair. He then follows it with the Swerve stomp. The referee begins the ten count.

Both men get back up. Swerve hits him with a barbed wire chair. Swerve grabs a bag of broken glass from under the ring and places the pieces on Page’s back. Swerve hits the 450 splash and follows it with the JML driver. The referee begins the ten count and Page gets up.

Swerve sends Page out of the ring. Swerve places a chair in the ring. He takes out a barbed wire table and sets it up in the ring. Swerve drags Page to the top rope. Page with a fallaway slam onto the barbed wire table. He follows it with a powerbomb and the deadeye. Page wraps the barbed wire around Swerve’s face and hits the buckshot lariat. The referee begins the ten count. Nana pulls Swerve out of the ring to break the count. Brian Cage attacks Page from behind and hits multiple powerbombs and an F-5. He grabs a table from under the ring.

Page attacks Cage with the barbed wire. He wraps the barbed wire around his neck and hits a lariat. Nana hits Page with the chair but Page catches him and hits the deadeye through the table. Swerve smashes the cement block on Page. The referee begins the ten count. Swerve wraps the chain around Page’s neck and chokes him out. The referee counts to ten and Swerve is the winner.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

The Gold Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

Chris Jericho’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Kenny Omega’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring. The Young Bucks’ music hits and they walk to the ring.

The match begins with Omega and Nick Jackson in the ring. Nick with an arm drag to Omega. Omega tags out and Matt tags in. Matt knocks down Jericho. Jericho with multiple chops in the corner. Omega tags in. Matt knocks down Omega. Omega comes back with an hurricanrana sending him out of the ring. He sends Nick out of the ring. Omega dives onto Matt. Nick kicks Omega. Jericho with the springboard dropkick. Matt sends Jericho into the steel steps. Nick attacks the arm of Jericho. He sends Jericho into the ring.

Matt tags in and attacks the arm of Jericho. Nick tags in and stomps the arm of Jericho. Jericho tries to fight back but is stopped. He hits them with a lariat. Nick with a springboard dropkick on Jericho. Matt sends Jericho into the ring. Matt attacks Jericho in the corner.

Jericho fights back with a missile dropkick. He tags out and Omega attacks Matt and Nick. Omega with an enzuigiri to Nick. Omega with a rolling senton to Matt and he hits the backstabber on Nick. Omega with a moonsault on Matt. Omega hits a crossbody but Nick rolls through. Omega with a knee strike. He tags out.

Jericho knocks down Matt and Nick. He hits the lionsault on the Young Bucks. Matt with a flying armbar. Nick kicks Jericho and Matt takes out Omega. Jericho accidentally hits Omega. He locks in the Walls of Jericho on Matt. Omega takes out Nick and sends him into the barricade. Matt fights out of it.

Jericho and Matt exchange strikes. Jericho is sent to the apron. He goes for an axe handle but Matt catches him and plants him. Jericho comes back with a bulldog on Matt. He goes for a lionsault but Nick stops him and hits the senton atomico. Matt climbs the top rope but is stopped. Jericho with a hurricanrana. Nick low-blows Jericho. Matt low blows Omega. He tags out and Nick hits the judas effect. Cover! 1…..2…..Omega makes the save.

Nick sends him out of the ring and dives onto him. He tags out and the Young Bucks hit the BTE Trigger. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Jericho fights back but is stopped by Nick. Jericho with a low blow to Nick. Omega tags in and hits the V trigger on Nick and a couple of snap dragon suplexes on Matt. Nick with reverse hurricanrana. Matt hits the one-winged angel. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Nick tags out and they go for Meltzer driver but Jericho hits the codebreaker. Omega with a German suplex on Matt. Nick superkicks Omega and Jericho. Jericho takes him out. Matt superkicks Jericho. Omega with a ripcord V Trigger. He then hits the one-winged angel for the win.

Winner: The Golden Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega)

AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Jay White

Adam Cole’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Jay White’s theme song plays and he comes out to the ring with The Gunns. An ambulance arrives back in the arena and MJF gets out of it and hobbles to the ring. MJF’s music plays and he walks out to the ring.

The match begins and MJF slaps White. White attacks the injured leg. White stomps MJF in the corner. White suplex MJF into the turnbuckle. Cover! 1…..2…kick out. White sends him out of the ring and The Gunns attack him and send him back into the ring. Jay continues to attack the leg and he sends him out of the ring. MJF tries to fight off the Gunns but the numbers are too much. They send him back into the ring. Cover! 1….2….kick out. He sends him out of the ring and The Gunns try to attack MJF with a steel chair but are caught red-handed. The referee ejects them from the match.

White argues with Cole. White sends MJF into the ring. White removes MJF’s shirt and throws it at Cole. White attacks the leg of MJF. MJF comes back and knocks him down. He hits a bodyslam. MJF slams White’s face into the turnbuckle. MJF attacks Jay in the corner and bites him. MJF hits the kangaroo kick on Jay.

White comes back with a dropkick to the leg. He then hits a DDT. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Jay attacks MJF in the corner. MJF fights back with knocks down Jay. He goes for the Panama sunrise and misses. Jay hits the urinagi. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. MJF is sent to the outside.

Jay chops MJF. MJF hits the DDT on the floor. MJF slams White on the table. MJF climbs the top rope and hits an elbow drop. The referee begins the ten count and MJF gets up and sends White into the ring. White with a dragon screw in the ropes. White sets MJF on the top rope. He places him in the tree of woe and kicks him. MJF throws White off the top rope.

White with a urinagi off the top rope. Jay chops MJF. White pokes the eye of MJF. MJF pokes him back. He hits him with a rolling elbow. White recovers and plants MJF. He then hits a German suplex. MJF with a tombstone piledriver. MJF stomps the arm of White. MJF goes for heatsinker but White avoids it. MJF leaps over the top rope and hits a cutter on the outside.

MJF sends him into the ring. Cover! 1……2…..kick out. MJF pulls down his knee pad.MJF is unable to stand. The doctor comes out to check on him. MJF says he won’t stop. White takes him down and wrenches the leg. White locks in the figure four leg lock. MJF reverses it and White gets to the rope. White grabs the title from Cole and hits MJF. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. MJF shoves White into the referee. Cole places the diamond ring on the mat but White takes it and places it on his finger. MJF with the low blow.

The Gunns come in and MJF knocks them. He then hits White with the diamond ring for the win.

Winner: MJF (c)

This ends our live coverage of AEW Full Gear!
